"Ask a scientist" - Prof. Dr Bettina Matzdorf at the #PTDW21

From 3 to 9 May 2021, the Potsdam Days of Science will take place virtually. More than 160 programme items provide many exciting insights into the work of over 30 scientific institutions in Potsdam and Brandenburg.

Do you have a question you've always wanted to ask a professional?
In the "Ask a Scientist" format, participants can via the website ask questions in advance to individual researchers, who will answer them in the live stream. 

On 8 May 2021, Prof. Dr Bettina Matzdorf will be a guest at the "Ask a Scientist" format, organised as part of the Potsdam Science Days. She answered questions about how private individuals and companies can get involved in effective nature conservation in their region, about nature conservation in Germany, corporate responsibility and about AgoraNatura in general. 

The virtual programme, a list of researchers and further information on this year's event can be found at the PTDW website.

Update: Here you can find the Live recording of the interview with Prof. Dr Bettina Matzdorf.