Flowering meadow instead of maize! That is the motto of the new project at AgoraNatura, for which supporters are still being sought. It ensures that habitats for insects such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies are created between the many maize fields in the region.
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Supporters still wanted - the green islands for the protection of moor frogs and other amphibians near Greifswald are to be financed via crowdfunding through AgoraNatura. Insects and rare field wild herbs are also to be specifically promoted.
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In Teterow, the historical and distinctly varietal allmende garden "Doktorgarten" is to be preserved as a valuable habitat between agricultural landscape and settlement area and, of course, as a recreational space for the residents of the town of Teterow. Funding is now available through AgoraNatura. The project is being implemented by the Foundation for Environmental and Nature Protection Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
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A new project is available for support on AgoraNatura. In the Sauen forest in Brandenburg, a species-rich hedge and a meadow orchard are to be preserved and further developed. Crowdfunding via AgoraNatura helps to preserve native plants and endangered animal species, as well as to revive endangered fruit varieties and natural pollination.
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AgoraNatura offers two new projects for support in the Bavarian district of Freising: One is a refuge for meadow nesting birds and the other is the grazing of a moorland area. Both projects are implemented by the Landschaftspflegeverband Freising e.V. together with the Bartl family farm.
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Success for endangered moor frogs: Nature conservation project near Greifswald finds funding for first year through AgoraNatura and is now looking for support for subsequent years
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Thinking species conservation and agriculture together in the Spreewald.
MURI GmbH Rinderhaltung im Biosphärenreservat Spreewald would like to offer insects, hares, small mammals, birds and reptiles new habitats on its fields. Supporters are being sought for this.
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The Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz M-V (M-V Environmental and Nature Conservation Foundation) wants to promote regional rarities and offer visitors a special experience of nature by preserving a historic orchard meadow in Teterow.
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Christian Ringenberg wants to create a thriving retreat and thus also provide cleaner drinking water and new places to experience in the south of Greifswald.
Get active now for more insects and moor frogs in Western Pomerania!
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As of the end of September 2020, companies and private individuals can use the new onlinemarketplace at www.agora-natura.de to invest in biodiversity and ecosystem services in Germany. Through voluntary, flexible payments they can, for instance, contribute to the preservation of meadow orchards, the development of biodiverse agricultural fields or the implementation of protection sites for certain target species.
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