How much


Test land use

To determine your footprint, we ask you eight questions from the areas:

Question {{currentQuestionNo}}/{questions.length}}






Read tips

What else can you do to preserve natural areas?

How much natural area do you want to finance?

Promote 100 sqm per year with each nature conservation certificate. In doing so, you strengthen the preservation of nature as part of our landscape. How much area do you want to create?

{{formattedUnitValue}} {{selectedUnit.unit}}
Protect surfaces:
{{minPrice}} - {{maxPrice}} €
You will be redirected to the AgoraNatura marketplace. There you will find projects that contribute to the conservation and enhancement of biodiversity and related natural services.



Tip {{currentTipNo}} / {{tips.length}}

What else can you do to preserve natural areas?

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Let your friends, acquaintances, colleagues test their personal footprint and invite them to support the conservation of nature in our landscape.