New AgoraNatura project: Doctor's Garden Teterow

Historic orchard in Teterow to be preserved with the help of certificate purchases
The Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz M-V (M-V Environmental and Nature Conservation Foundation) wants to promote regional rarities and offer visitors a special experience of nature by preserving a historic orchard meadow in Teterow. Become active now for an exceptionally rich orchard on the outskirts of Teterow!
- Through AgoraNatura, the first online marketplace for certified nature conservation projects, companies and individuals can help to preserve the "Teterow Doctor's Garden" as a testimony to history, to safeguard special fruit varieties, as a valuable habitat and recreational space.
- The project was audited and certified according to the Naturplus standard. It thus meets scientifically sound criteria. Effects on nature are regularly reviewed and made transparent.
- By buying certificates from this project, everyone can simply make a valuable contribution to nature conservation from home and then experience the results right on their own doorstep.
Teterow, 12.02.21.
The meadow orchard extends over more than 300 m on a grassland area on the outskirts of Teterow. For years, the Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz MV, together with a neighbouring livestock farmer and with the support of the town of Teterow, has been taking care of the preservation of this nature conservation jewel. Thanks to the occurrence of particularly rare fruit varieties and the high proportion of old fruit trees, the meadow is an exceptionally worthy site for protection. The project will extend the life of the 50 oldest high trunks and thus contribute to the long-term protection of this valuable habitat. By dispensing with pesticides and intensive fertilisation, the groundwater has been conserved for years. "The project is also particularly interesting from a cultural point of view, because it is a historical communal garden," notes conservation expert Michaela Reutter from the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, or ZALF e.V. for short. She is an employee at the online marketplace AgoraNatura and supports interested providers in posting their projects.
Unfortunately, however, the available resources are not sufficient to maintain the meadow orchard in the long term in such a way that it is preserved in all its beauty and complexity. Many of the oldest tall trees are in danger of breaking apart, and there is also not enough capacity for the important replanting of young trees. In order to be able to carry out the necessary maintenance pruning for the old trees and to ensure the long-term preservation of the meadow through new plantings, the project on AgoraNatura has been discontinued. For another month and a half, committed companies and private individuals can support the project of the Foundation for Environmental and Nature Conservation MV by purchasing nature conservation certificates from the project. Each certificate represents an area of 100 square metres and costs €21.60. Here you can buy certificates. With their purchase, investors not only help the fruit trees and animals, but also get the opportunity to learn more about their history during a personal tour of the autumnal orchard at the annual Apple Day in the Doktorgarten Teterow.
In addition to the orchard project, interested parties can also find other quality-checked, transparent nature conservation and landscape management projects on AgoraNatura, for example to protect pollinators that depend on flowering areas or birds of prey. The platform has been online at since autumn 2020 and sees itself as an independent mediation platform. Responsible companies and private individuals can join forces online with committed actors from agriculture and nature conservation and jointly create nature conservation areas with measurable added value. This is because all projects on AgoraNatura are carried out according to the NaturPlus standard certified. With this
ensured that they provide effective framework conditions for biodiversity and nature services and that the measures and results are also regularly reviewed during implementation. The AgoraNatura flower shows on the website for each project individually which nature services are supported. Depending on the project, the certificates offered can be purchased for 10 euros or more. They always refer to one year and an area of 100 square metres.
AgoraNatura was created as part of a research and implementation project in which colleagues from science, nature conservation and landscape management worked together. Their goal is to create a digital place through which more businesses and residents can work together and effectively to conserve nature in their region. At the same time, you can learn a lot about the complex connections between biodiversity and nature services.
By investing in the orchard project, you can also support the still young AgoraNatura platform and the idea behind it. Because especially in the current times, it becomes clear how strongly human well-being depends on an intact, healthy nature. Take a look at AgoraNatura and get involved in the preservation of biodiversity and nature services in your immediate surroundings!
Contact Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz MV
Ulla Wieneke
Mecklenburgstraße 7
19053 Schwerin
Press contact AgoraNatura:
Fiona Schlecht