New AgoraNatura project: Moor Frog Islands near Sestelin - Part 1
Christian Ringenberg wants to create a thriving retreat and thus also provide cleaner drinking water and new places to experience in the south of Greifswald
Get active now for more insects and moor frogs in Western Pomerania!
- Through AgoraNatura, the first online marketplace for certified nature conservation projects, the farmer is looking for companies and individuals to help him turn a previously conventionally used field into a valuable gem for numerous wild animals.
- The project was tested and certified according to the NaturPlus standard. It thus meets scientifically sound criteria. Effects on nature are regularly reviewed and made transparent.
- By buying certificates from this project, everyone can simply make a valuable contribution to nature conservation from home and then experience the results right on their own doorstep.
Dargelin, 05.02.21.
Christian Ringenberg is a farmer through and through. His family farm has existed for generations and stands for sustainable, modern agriculture. And for him, that also means taking responsibility for the protection of animals and plants. "From our point of view, land use and nature conservation is a symbiosis from which both sides benefit," says Ringenberg, looking at a large sandy field in which small patches of water can be seen here and there. In autumn 2019, he had already decided to stop growing sugar beet or rapeseed here and leave the field to others - including the small blue-coloured moor frogs, which find an important habitat in the small bodies of water on his land. Moor frogs and many other amphibians that live on Ringenberg's field are on the red list in Germany. But dragonflies, water beetles and numerous endangered plant species also find ideal living conditions in this structurally rich landscape. The banks of the small water bodies offer a variety of nesting opportunities for wild bees and other insects.
Farmer Ringenberg wants to preserve this diversity. Together with nature conservation advisor Nathalie Soethe, he wants to turn the field into a safe retreat for wildlife. Large parts are to remain completely untouched, others are to be developed specifically as bee pasture or cultivated with such restraint that field wild herbs such as sand poppy and lesser mouse tail can spread again. "The project also ensures that less nitrogen is introduced into the groundwater. This is because the conversion of this area near the watercourse completely eliminates the use of pesticides and fertilisers," notes nature conservation expert Michaela Reutter from the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, or ZALF e.V. for short. She is an employee at the online marketplace AgoraNatura and advises interested suppliers like Ringenberg.
For another 6 weeks, you can support Christian Ringenberg's project via AgoraNatura by buying nature conservation certificates from the project. Despite all his own initiative, the farmer cannot manage the project on his own. Seeds, maintenance measures and yield loss add up. Each certificate represents 100 square metres of land and costs 14.30 € ( By buying certificates, the investors not only help the moor frogs and ensure less nutrient input into the groundwater; they also provide themselves and other visitors to the region with a new place to visit: the beautiful landscape a good 10 km south of Greifswald can be visited via a road with little traffic - for example as part of a cycling excursion.
In addition to Christian Ringenberg's project, interested parties can also find other quality-checked, transparent nature conservation and landscape management projects on AgoraNatura, for example for the protection of moorland or orchards. The platform has been online at since autumn 2020 and sees itself as an independent mediation platform. Responsible companies and private individuals can join forces online with committed actors from agriculture and nature conservation and jointly create nature conservation areas with measurable added value. This is because all projects on AgoraNatura are certified according to the NaturPlus standard ( This ensures that they provide effective framework conditions for biodiversity and nature services and that the measures and results are also regularly monitored during implementation. The AgoraNatura flower shows on the website for each project individually which nature services are supported.
AgoraNatura was created as part of a research and implementation project in which colleagues from science, nature conservation and landscape management worked together. Their goal is to create a digital place through which more businesses and residents can work together and effectively to conserve nature in their region. At the same time, you can learn a lot about the complex connections between biodiversity and nature services.
By investing in the moor frog islands near Sestelin, you can also support the still young AgoraNatura platform and the idea behind it. Because especially in the current times it becomes clear how strongly human well-being depends on an intact, healthy nature. Take a look at AgoraNatura and get involved in the preservation of biodiversity and nature services in your immediate environment!
Contact Christian Ringenberg:
M. and Ch. Ringenberg
Village road 6
18510 Papenhagen
Tel.: 038325 / 726
Press contact AgoraNatura:
Fiona Schlecht