Become active now for a refuge to protect the highly endangered moor frogs!
The online marketplace for certified nature conservation projects offers a new project for support south of Greifswald. Green islands are to be created on farmland. These are necessary to provide habitats for highly endangered amphibians, including the moor frog, which is particularly attractive due to its blue colour and is typical of north-eastern Germany. Insects and rare field wild herbs are also to be specifically promoted. Crowdfunding via AgoraNatura helps to preserve biodiversity and at the same time promote other important natural services. Everyone can support easily with a click from home!
Sestelin, 02.12.2021
As required by AgoraNatura, this new project was also developed according to the Natureplus-Standard certified. This ensures that effective frameworks for biodiversity and nature services are provided and that results are also regularly monitored during implementation.
The project is financed through so-called nature conservation certificates. Each certificate protects and develops 100 m² of the selected project area for one year. However, the project will only be implemented when all conservation certificates have been financed by mid-May 2022. The project can be visited by arrangement with the offering farmer and regular updates on progress will be provided. A joint walk to listen to the moor frogs is even offered.
Create a refuge for highly endangered amphibians
The project is offered by the Ringenberg farm. Christian Ringenberg runs the regional family farm and wants land use and nature conservation to work together. As a farmer, he lives with the natural conditions on site and wants to preserve and promote them - and that includes wild plants and animals. With the opening of the new AgoraNatura marketplace, he has already financed the first year of his project. Now the second year is to be financed.
The project area is located between Greifswald and Jarmen and promotes the habitat for highly endangered amphibians, including the moor frog typical of north-eastern Germany. With its blue colouring, it is a real attraction during its mating season. Its habitat is small water bodies within arable fields, but it needs areas without cultivation there. These are made possible by the project, which was implemented together with the nature conservation advisor Dr Nathalie Soethe and also technically coordinated with the lower nature conservation authority.2
In addition to amphibians, many bird species (hedge and ground nesting birds), insect species (e.g. ground beetles, wild bees) and reptiles also benefit from the conservation measures. By foregoing the usual fertilisation and the permanent ground cover, about 20 - 60 kg less nitrogen leaves the soil in the direction of the groundwater.
The independent mediation platform also offers other quality-checked and transparently visible nature conservation projects in Germany. Getting involved in nature conservation privately or as a company has never been so easy.
AgoraNatura is Germany's first online marketplace for certified nature conservation projects.
Since October 2020, AgoraNatura has enabled anyone who manages land and wants to implement a nature conservation project to finance it via crowdfunding or through partnerships with companies. Private investors and companies can specifically promote biodiversity and nature services through the purchase of nature conservation certificates. In order to ensure the ecological impact of the projects, each project is externally audited by the Natureplus-Standard certified.
AgoraNatura emerged from a research and development project with partners from nature conservation and agriculture. Since July 2021, the marketplace has been run as a project of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V. managed. The spin-off as an independent organisation is planned for 2022. Further information can be found at
To the project on AgoraNatura:
Contact the project provider:
Ringenberg Farm
Christian Ringenberg
Tel: 0383 56 70 013
Press contact:
Press Office AgoraNatura
Margarethe Schneider, Franka Pätzke
Tel.: 08573 6529988