1st Report on the Voluntary Commitment of German Companies to Nature Conservation

Companies are important actors when it comes to protecting natural resources and ecosystems. So far, however, there has been little research on their commitment to nature conservation. Now, the ZALF team in the AgoraNatura project is publishing the first results of a nationwide survey of German companies. To what extent are companies specifically committed to the protection of biodiversity and natural habitats? What factors influence their commitment and what obstacles do they perceive? A descriptive report on the results contains answers to these and other questions: https://www.zalf.de/de/aktuelles/DokumenteMeldungen/Pressemitteilungen/Ergebnisbericht_final.pdf.
Of almost 700 companies surveyed nationwide, 266 (55%) stated that they were already involved in this area. The most common forms of involvement are financial donations and company grounds designed to be close to nature. It is striking that 35% of the companies are also active in the context of their own project initiatives.
The scientific analysis of the first part of the data collected in 2019 has been published in the journal "Business Strategy and the Environment". The complete ZALF press release on the publication can be found here: https://www.zalf.de/de/aktuelles/Seiten/Pressemitteilungen/20201001_PM_Umfrageergebnisse_AgoraNatura_final.aspx.
Would you like to know more about how you can get involved with AgoraNatura as a company? Then you are welcome to read here or contact André Riediger directly (andre.riediger[a]zalf.de; Tel: 033432 82-131)! Or do you want more information about the companies that are already working on AgoraNatura for more biodiversity and nature services and why they are doing so?..: https://agora-natura.de/erfolgsgeschichten/.