New AgoraNatura project: Flowering verges in the Spree Forest

Thinking of species protection and agriculture together in the Spreewald
- MURI GmbH Rinderhaltung im Biosphärenreservat Spreewald would like to offer insects, field hares, small mammals, birds and reptiles new habitats on its fields. Supporters are being sought for this. Here you can find the project page.
- Through AgoraNatura, the first online marketplace for certified nature conservation projects, companies and individuals can help finance so-called field margins as retreats for wildlife.
- The project was tested and certified according to the NaturPlus standard. It thus meets scientifically sound criteria. Effects on nature are regularly reviewed and made transparent.
- By buying certificates from this project, everyone can simply make a valuable contribution to nature conservation from home and then experience the results right on their own doorstep.
Berlin/Müncheberg, 20.05.21.
On the ecologically managed fields of MURI GmbH Rinderhaltung near Lübben, wild animals have the best conditions to live - at least until the harvest. After that, unfortunately, insects, birds, reptiles and the like only have places to hide from predators or find food. The solution: so-called field margins are to be created along the field paths in order to create alternative habitats for wildlife. With a width of 8m, they are to make an important contribution to the regional flora and fauna - together with the newly planted fruit trees on the area.
In times of global species extinction, this is a particularly important undertaking, especially on land like this, which is home to many species worthy of protection due to its ecological management. However, such measures are costly and do not pay off economically. In order to be able to protect wild bees, skylarks, grey buntings, partridges and many other species in the long term, MURI GmbH Rinderhaltung is now offering the project on the AgoraNatura online marketplace. Here, committed companies and private individuals can financially support the important project by purchasing nature conservation certificates. Each certificate represents 100 square metres of land and costs €19.60. With the purchase, investors not only make an important contribution to the preservation of biodiversity, but are also regularly informed about the development of the field margins with pictures.
In addition to the Feldrain project, interested parties can also find other quality-checked, transparent nature conservation and landscape management projects on AgoraNatura, for example for the conservation of meadow orchards or the protection of amphibians. The platform has been online at since autumn 2020 and sees itself as an independent mediation platform. Responsible companies and private individuals can join forces online with committed actors from agriculture and nature conservation and jointly create nature conservation areas with measurable added value. All projects on AgoraNatura are carried out according to the NaturPlus standard certified. This ensures that they provide effective framework conditions for biodiversity and nature services and that the measures and results are also regularly reviewed during implementation. Depending on the project, the certificates offered can be purchased from 10 euros. They always refer to one year and an area of 100 square metres.
AgoraNatura was created as part of a research and implementation project in which colleagues from science, nature conservation and landscape management worked together. Their goal is to create a digital place through which more businesses and residents can work together and effectively to conserve nature in their region. At the same time, you can learn a lot about the complex connections between biodiversity and nature services.
Contact MURI GmbH:
Gregor Kablitz
0157 74727625
Press contact AgoraNatura:
Fiona Schlecht