Amphibian protection at small water bodies

Development of an arable field as a habitat


In order to preserve the amphibian population in the long term, we want to convert the adjacent farmland into a green strip within a radius of 20 metres around the small water body.

09/2018 - 08/2019
Icon Partner Pure Hands 1.82 Hectar
Icon Partner Pure Hands Donation
Icon Partner Pure Hands 279,00
0 from 0
Project history
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Über das Projekt

Initial situation

The small water body "Großer Mörtel" is part of a valuable amphibian habitat. It is part of a larger habitat with up to 7 amphibian species.

What would happen without the project?

Without the project, the farm is entitled to continue to use the adjacent area for arable farming. With the project, the farm will register the arable land with a width of 20 m around the small water body as an ecological priority area. This means that the farm will refrain from using the land for agricultural purposes and from applying fertiliser and pesticides. The area is grassed over or sown. It is mulched once a year.

Registration as an ecological priority area provides good protection for the amphibian population. However, the farm will only agree to this through expert advice and support within the framework of the planned project.

Concrete measures

- The farm is advised and supported with regard to the amphibian-friendly development of the farmland.
- The green space is only created by combining it with the project!
- Mulching is done to protect the amphibians at high stubble height and only from September onwards.

You invest in the following ecosystem services:

Endangered target species on the site or in the direct surroundings
  • Natterjack toad
  • Pond frog
  • and more
Endangered target species in the direct surroundings
  • Up to seven amphibian species

So everyone can experience the ecosystem service

  • The area is accessible via a public street or path.
  • Pictures of the project are published annually on the online marketplace AgoraNatura.

The area is located on the outskirts of Wittbrietzen in the Nuthe-Nieplitz Nature Park.

These are indirectly supported

Relevante Kenngrößen

No fertilisation

Water's edge

Supported species
  • diverse wild herbs

Land user offering the project

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Others involved in the project

Agrar KG Wittbrietzen
Cultivates the area within the framework of the project

Brandenburg , Potsdam-Mittelmark, 14547

Documentation in the implementation phase

The project starts on 01.09.2018 and exactly goes 1year , provided all certificates have been sold.

You will be regularly informed about the progress of the project. For this purpose, the providers can provide short news, picture or audio material. The providers are obliged to report at least once a year whether everything went well with the implementation. If there are difficulties from your point of view, please contact us, the provider itself or the certification body.

Documentation of the certification

Certified after

Nature Plus Standard

Certified by


Certification report

Open PDF


Open PDF


Project areas created (09/20)

In September 2018, as agreed, the verge was established with a width of 20 m around the large mortar (amphibian watercourse). From this point on, no pesticides or fertilisers were applied to the area. Thus, the habitat suitable for amphibians (feeding habitat) was significantly expanded.

In June 2019, we were on site with our investor. At the same time, the plant species were recorded in three transects. At that time, 4 to 6 species per transect for species-rich farmland could be detected on the site. During the inspection, moor frogs were observed at the water's edge.

Complementary documents: