Conservation measures for the "Teterow Doctor's Garden
2nd maintenance phase for a historic Allmende garden
In implementation
Our aim is to preserve the Doktorgarten as a historical allmende garden as a testimony to history, as a valuable habitat between agricultural landscape and settlement area, to safeguard special fruit varieties and, of course, as a recreational and adventure space for residents of the town of Teterow and their visitors.
Über das Projekt
Initial situation
The orchard meadow "Doktorgarten Teterow" is a real gem on the outskirts of Teterow. Over a length of more than 300 m, a diverse, mixed-age and mixed-variety fruit tree population stretches uphill on a grassland area bordered by blackberry bushes and near-natural hedges.
Why here?
Due to its history, its special stock of fruit trees with endangered fruit varieties, its size and its location, the orchard meadow is particularly suitable for long-term investment in its preservation!
What would happen without the project?
When we took over the Doktorgarten, we committed ourselves to taking appropriate care of the meadow orchard. Together with the neighbouring livestock farmer, through our own work to maintain the trees and hedges, and with the support of the city of Teterow, we have been doing this for years. This will also be the case without the project. However, we never have enough resources to maintain the Doctor's Garden as we would like to.
The oldest high-trunk fruit trees are over 90 years old and many of these Methusalems are threatening to break apart. However, the regular maintenance pruning that is actually necessary cannot be afforded from our own budget. In addition, orchards go to seed if young trees are not replanted in the gaps that become available. This is also something we cannot do on our own.
Concrete measures
Within the framework of the project it is planned to:
- 25 expert conservation pruning for the medium-aged fruit trees of the Doctor's Garden, as these ensure the long-term preservation of the entire complex.
- supplementary measures to complete the documentation of the Doctor's Garden with the aim of creating exemplary signage.
Protected biotope type
You invest in the following ecosystem services:
There are numerous endangered, rare and regional apple varieties in the stock.
Important names- Altländer pancake apple
- Cox Orangeette
- James Grieve
- London Pepping
- In total, there are more than 200 standard trees in the Doktorgarten.
Fruit trees, grassland and hedges
Special habitat structures- Deadwood in the sunny area
No use of insecticides
So everyone can experience the ecosystem service
- The area is accessible via a public street or path.
- Pictures of the project are published annually on the online marketplace AgoraNatura.
- The area can be visited after arranging with the land user.
- The area has cultural and historical significance.
The Doctor's Garden was established before World War I by the former mayor of Teterow, Dr Franz von Pentz, as a so-called Allmende garden to supply the population of Teterow with fruit and with the aim of "improving public health through fruit consumption". This is why the meadow orchard bears the name "Doctor's Garden". The orchard meadow thus tells a story that is interesting for the citizens of Teterow up to the present day and that is also well documented. In addition to its undisputed nature conservation value, this makes the area a special feature in the portfolio of our foundation areas.
These are indirectly supported
Very low animal stocking
No additional N fertilisation
Documentation in the implementation phase
The project starts on 01.10.2022 and exactly goes 1year , provided all certificates have been sold.
You will be regularly informed about the progress of the project. For this purpose, the providers can provide short news, picture or audio material. The providers are obliged to report at least once a year whether everything went well with the implementation. If there are difficulties from your point of view, please contact us, the provider itself or the certification body.