Extensive field near Mankmuß
Valuable farmland in Prignitz
In implementation
On the arable land there still exists a species of field wild herb that is highly endangered according to the Brandenburg Red List, the lambs lettuce (Arnoseris minima). We want to promote the number of individuals of this endangered species and at the same time improve the habitat for endangered field birds.
Über das Projekt
Initial situation
The arable land is used for conventional agriculture.
Why here?
The project area is special because the endangered species still occurs here and the farmer is willing to develop his overall use in a nature conservation manner.
What would happen without the project?
Without the project, the farmland can continue to be used intensively for agriculture.
The occurrence of the endangered species is thus not secured and habitat enhancement for the field birds is not possible.
Concrete measures
- Crop rotation emphasising winter cereals in four years with single annual fallow, double row spacing
- Maintenance fertilisation related to double row spacing with pure organic N fertilisation and harvesting
- No application of a mineral nitrogen fertiliser and no use of plant protection products
- No chemical and mechanical weed control
- Stubble field phase until September
Protected species
Lamb's lettuce (Arnoseris minima)
You invest in the following ecosystem services:
- Corn Bunting
- Woodlark
- Whinchat
- Ortolan
- Typical field bird species
- Herb-rich and sparse cereal stand
- Lamb's lettuce (Arnoseris minima)
Per certificate: 0 - 0.5 kg N Ground water services (estimation/literature based value)
Total project: 0 - 250 kg N Ground water services (estimation/literature based value)
Relevante KenngrößenVery little fertilisation
So everyone can experience the ecosystem service
- The area is accessible via a public street or path.
- Pictures of the project are published annually on the online marketplace AgoraNatura.
- Activities of environmental education and experiencing nature take place on / around the area.
The area is located in the Elbe-Brandenburg River Landscape Biosphere Reserve and the Lower Elbe Valley Bird Sanctuary. Regular adventure tours on various topics, often including bird watching, take place here. The area itself is located on a popular wheatear observation route.
Documentation in the implementation phase
The project starts on 1.09.2018 and exactly goes 5years , provided all certificates have been sold.
You will be regularly informed about the progress of the project. For this purpose, the providers can provide short news, picture or audio material. The providers are obliged to report at least once a year whether everything went well with the implementation. If there are difficulties from your point of view, please contact us, the provider itself or the certification body.
Monitoring 2022 (09/22)
In 2019 8, in 2020 9, in 2021 10 and this year 8 Kenntaxa were found. Odontites vernus was not found again this year. And for the first time, Aphanes australis was missing. Nevertheless, the field remains in value category I. On the roadside to the north-east of the site, not a single plant Arnoseris minima was found this year. The extensive field was located between maize fields this year. A photo of this is also enclosed. Unfortunately, everything here has dried up; there was hardly any rain in the spring and summer months. The area is controlled by Marion Korsch, an employee of the nature guard.
Monitoring 2021 (01/22)
In 2021, the arable land was cultivated for the third year without intensive fertilisation, without the use of plant protection products and only with half the sowing rate. The cereal stand was light and thus offered good living conditions for endangered, ground-nesting bird species of the agricultural landscape. The number of plant species found in June increased further to a total of 10 species - including our target species, the lambs lettuce, which is highly endangered according to the Brandenburg Red List. The picture below shows another special feature of the field, the small-flowered lady's mantle (Aphanes australis).
Monitoring 2020 Mankmuß (01/21)
In 2020, we were again curious to see whether the protected and rare lambs lettuce could be found on our extensive farmland. The mapping in June was able to confirm this. Thus, our measure for the preservation of this plant seems to be successful. We were also able to detect for the first time the dwarf feltwort, which is already on the list of endangered plants. In addition to the field lady's mantle, we also found the farmer's mustard as a rare field wild herb. With 9 species, we have increased slightly compared to last year and according to the list of species, our field is particularly valuable.
Good progress also in the second project year (11/20)
The implementation of the measures went without any difficulties and the vegetation mapping also shows good results for 2020. They will be published here shortly.
Extensive field develops (09/20)
During the monitoring of the extensive farmland near Mankmuß in June 2019, a total of 8 species characteristic of valuable farmland were found. Special species here are the field lady's mantle, the field scimitar and the lambs lettuce, which is highly endangered in Brandenburg. Fortunately, the spring toothbrush, which is also highly endangered, also grows on our area. This shows that the extensive field is a valuable site for rare field wild herbs.