Thinking species conservation and agriculture together in the Spreewald.
MURI GmbH Rinderhaltung im Biosphärenreservat Spreewald would like to offer insects, hares, small mammals, birds and reptiles new habitats on its fields. Supporters are being sought for this.
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The Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz M-V (M-V Environmental and Nature Conservation Foundation) wants to promote regional rarities and offer visitors a special experience of nature by preserving a historic orchard meadow in Teterow.
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Christian Ringenberg wants to create a thriving retreat and thus also provide cleaner drinking water and new places to experience in the south of Greifswald.
Get active now for more insects and moor frogs in Western Pomerania!
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Companies are important actors when it comes to protecting natural resources and ecosystems. So far, however, there has been little research on their targeted commitment to biodiversity in Germany. Now the scientists in the AgoraNatura project are publishing the first results of a nationwide survey of German companies. To what extent are companies specifically committed to the protection of biodiversity and natural habitats? What factors influence their willingness to get involved and what obstacles do they perceive? A descriptive report on the results contains answers to these and other questions.
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